Ped is a great guy. He's funny and outgoing, dependable and loyal. He's opinionated and outspoken, headstrong and confident. He also screws up alot but that's not what this post is about.
We will have been married for 3 months on November 16 and together for 6 years in December. We have had our rough patches and still go through them every once in a while. Shockingly, life isn't perfect just because you get married. Who knew???
I am pretty proud of how good I have become at keeping up our house and learning to cook. Ped has learned to be very vocal in his appreciation of my housekeeping (sometimes too vocal. Dudes, if the word maid is ever used in a compliment, it will not be taken as a compliment. Just some advance warning.) This was not an aspect of our relationship early on, but over the past year or two, he has noticed how I feel better about myself when I know he is happy with me, and has adapted to my need for verbal affirmation. While I am a superlative example for a housewife and he is a superlative example of a husband*, these roles are something we work on every day and what we vowed to each other during our wedding ceremony - to love and serve each other. (*Note my sarcasm)
So how do I know Ped loves me?
You know how guys have one or two things in their lives that make them giggle like a little girl? The show, Arrow, is one of those things for Ped. He talks about the last episode for 3 days after the show then tries to predict the next episode for the next 3 days. He follows the actors on Twitter and is constantly researching obscure information about the characters. The lead's name is Oliver and we may or may not name our son that one day if we have one.
Arrow is on at 8:00pm on Wednesday evening which is about 10 minutes before I typically get home from work. Every week I burst through the door hoping I didn't miss anything good, and every week the TV is on a different channel as Ped waits to watch it with me. That's how I know. It's not something he's supposed to do or something he has to do. It's not the nice thing to do or the most convenient thing to do. Ped waits to watch his favorite show until I get home from work because he loves me and enjoys it more when I'm next to him. It may be a small gesture and seem insignificant to some, but it's my thing not yours.
A few people have told me they read this blog and I really do appreciate my words being read by others. I would like to hear from you though. What is your thing? How do you know that your significant other loves you? Something small, something big, something others may feel is stupid, it doesn't matter. What makes you understand that you are loved by the person you love?
Comment on the post within the blog (rather than Facebook) if you would like to share. Hope to hear from a couple of you. Seriously, hearing lovey dovey things is like getting a big ol' technological bear hug.
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